
Impact Of Immigration On Native Wages Employment Uk Economics Essay
The impact of immigration on the UK labour market has become a debatable issue in public and political disputes,with some proposing that immigration reduces wages or employment for the UK born population.Such argument became especially popular since the entry of large number of Central and Eastern European migrants after the expansion of EU in 2004.The effects of migration in both the short and the long run can easily be explained by basic economic theory,however,it is difficult to make exact and accurate predictions about its impacts on employment and wages.The best previous evidence provided by the Institute for Public Policy Research suggests that the overall effects of migration are not significantly different from zero.Therefore,by referring to economic theory and recent empirical evidence I shall try to answer the question of immigration impact as well as critically assess the implications for future UK immigration policy.
When we look at how immigration can affect labour market variables,the outcome is pretty straightforward.In any macroeconomic analysis we consider both the short and the long run,and this case is no exception.In the short term the outcome is unambiguous.However,it does depend on our assumptions–in production we can treat immigrants and natives as either perfect substitutes or complements.In the first case immigrants and natives have the same types of skills and are competing for the same types of jobs(Borjas 2007)under the assumption that the capital is fixed.As Figure 1 shows,once the immigrants enter the labour market,the supply curve shifts out,this consequently increases employment from N0 to E1 and lowers the wages from w0 to w1.Since we treat immigrants as substitutes in labour market participation,the jobs are actually taken away from the natives by lowering the wage and making it unworthy to work(i.e.movement from N0 to N1).
数据1.移民与当地居民为主体之移民短期影响一FIGURE 1.The Short-Run Impact of Immigration When Immigrants and Natives Are Perfect Substitutes.(Borjas 2007)
On the other hand,if the two groups are treated as complements in production,an increase in the number of immigrants raises the marginal product of natives,shifting up the demand curve for native-born workers.(Borjas 2007)In Figure 2 we can see that the increased productivity raises the native wage from w0 to w1,thus leading to additional incentives to enter the labour market(rise from N0 to N1).