留学生论文代写范文:企业社会责任研究Corporate Social Responsibility。这篇留学论文讲述的是在现代社会,一个企业所经营的商业业务必须承担起相应的责任,考虑如何创造出更高的价值。


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  Responsibility Of A Businessman Commerce Essay

  In the world of business,the paramount responsibility of the businessman has historically been to make profit and increase the shareholder value.In other words the motive of operating business has been the“corporate financial responsibility”.However in today’s competitive world every company is striving to achieve competitive edge in the global market which is not feasible by achieving corporate financial responsibility.In this modern era,the drivers of competitive advantage is not restricted to corporate financial responsibility but it also includes other issues such as brand loyalty,staff morale and motivation,reputational risk,environmental sustainability and many other.By keeping this knowledge in mind,in the last decade a movement describing wider concept of corporate responsibilities-for local communities,for ethical responsibility,for the environment,and for working condition,has grown and taken grip.This new driving force is CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)

  什么是企业社会责任What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

  Particularly there is no universal definition of CSR,in general it means transparent business practices which are based on value of ethics along with fulfilling legal requirements and respect for the environment,community and people.Hence company is not responsible for profit only but also for the impact of their operation on people and the planet.Here the term people includes-company’s stakeholders:its customers,employees,investors,business partners,vendors,and suppliers,the government and the community[1].In business world,CSR is alternatively referred to“corporate citizenship”.

  According to South China Morning Post,2002:

  The desire of companies looking beyond profits to their role in society is generally

  termed as corporate social responsibility.This term refers to a company linking itself with building employee relations,ethical values,compliance with legal requirements transparency,and all together respect for the communities in which they run.It goes beyond the occasional community service action,however,as Corporate social responsibility is a corporate philosophy that draws strategic decision-making,hiring practices,partner selection,and,ultimately,development of brand.[2]

