








  The report has been prepared to highlight various measurement techniques involved in accounting measurements while preparing financial statements.This report focus on insight knowledge of fair value measurements used in accounting measurements.It outlines the Global Crisis and its effect on the world economy.The report outlines the benefit achieved by fair value measurement in financial report preparations.The objective of this report is to discuss if the Fair Value Accounting is responsible for global crisis.This report highlights new development taken by accounting standards in wake of global financial crisis.At last we will focus on Green Accounting model which measures the cost and benefits of environmental friendly product

  Accounting measurement is computation of accounting values in the form of money or units.Based on historical costs,transactions are recorded in the accounts in dollars.Other accounting measurements can be represented in volume like hours spent in direct labor and this can be used to calculate overhead in a cost accounting system.

  The standard accounting setters are feeling the necessity of having financial statement preparers so as to move ahead from historical cost accounting to calculating fair value measurement for assets and liabilities.Fair value measurement sets a framework that can be used to for measuring fair value of assets and it discloses details of the fair value measures.Following complex matters need to be judged before estimating the fair value using standard procedure-

  •Need to check if an active market exists for the asset and liability and if exists we must be aware of pricing assumptions used by market participants.

  •Appropriate model should be decided for estimating the fair value if the active market doesn't exists.

  •Most appropriate of the three acceptable valuation techniques need to be decided for measuring the fair value of the assets or liabilities.

  •We need to analyze level of subjectivity of inputs used in calculating fair value.

  Seeing to the current turbulent financial situations,the issues related to measurements of the fair value accounting was gradually attracting the attention of governments sectors,policy makers,practitioners,regulators,and the media.The role of standard setters and accounting principles were placed at the centre of the controversy after global crisis.

