本文是加拿大留学生哲学论文代写范文:不确定性、工具主义与现实主义Underdetermination,Instrumentalism and,主要内容是通过现实主义和工具主义,分析不确定性命题的相关内容。

Understanding Underdetermination in conjunction with realism and instrumentalism
The present essay is about the understanding of under determination thesis in conjunction with the realism and instrumentalism.As we know that realism and instrumentalism are two opposite views in philosophy of science,so by explaining the two it would be much easier to grasp the concept of under determination thesis,which is one of complex doctrine.
The intended audiences of this essay are science student's and people who are interested to know about the philosophical issues in science.I divide the essay into four of parts.The first part explains the realism and instrumentalism concepts,second part explains the under determination thesis in detail and then the third part will state the views of different philosophers about three schools of thoughts.The fourth and the final part conclude the whole argumentation
The word realism in the dictionary means the tendency to view or represent things as they really are.[dic].In philosophy of science it can be defined as“the philosophical doctrine that abstract concepts exist independent of their names”.It can be explained as an approach in philosophy that considers objects as they are in the universe as real things and their characteristics as a secondary thing.The advocate of realism are called realist and it is important to differentiate the realist's.
A person can be realist about the different kinds of things i.e.mountains,physical objects,numbers,universe etc.but in the case of a philosopher,it is required to specify that for what object/thing the philosopher is realist[book].An American philosopher name Hilary Putnam stated that“A realist with respect to a given theory holds the following:
What makes them true or false is something external that is to say,it is not in general our sense data,actual or potential,or the structure of our minds,or our language,etc.