在结束presentation主体内容之后,你需要对presentation做一 个回顾和总结,来作为presentation的结束。好的总结可以让presentation的观点长久地留在观众的脑海中。结束语分为哪些部分,需要涵盖哪些内容?什么样的结束语会使presentation以一个完美的结局收场?这是一个非常重 要的环节,接下来就回答这些
1.Signaling the Beginning of the End PartTsitiao
首先,你需要提示观众,presentation的主题内容结束了 ,接下来进入结束语。
Let's look at what I have talked about.
Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. This last slide is a brief summary of what Ihave talked about.
Before I stop/finish, let me just say...
To close my speech, I'll show you the last slide.
Now I'd like to summarize my talk.
To summarize, I have talked about three aspects of the cancer problem: ....
Finally, as a summary statement, I would like to sum up the major points I have made.
然后,概括一下presentation中提到的内容 ,让观众回顾一下整 个presentation的流程和思路。为下面的总结打下基础。
Let me just run over the key points again.I'll briefly summarize the main issues.
In conclusion,...
In closing,...
In a word,...
To sum up ...
In brief,...
All in l,..
As you can see, there are some very good reasons ....
To sum up, my conclusion is that the present program is the best
one.In conclusion
Let me conclude my talk with the following comments.
Allow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the
efficacy.In conclusion, I would like to point out the following aspects.
I'd like to leave you with the following conclusion.
Let me close by quoting Dr. Einstein, the famous physicist, who said that...I would like to come to a close by quoting what Sir Newton once said...
Therefore, I would suggest that we...
I'd like to suggest... .
As far as I'm concerned, the only solution to the problem is...
Presentation的最后- -句,致谢。
That's all, thank You. .
That's the end of my
presentation.So much for my speech, thank you.Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for your listening.
6.0ther Expressions that May Be Useful in the End Part of the Speech其他情况
Sorry, I see the red light is shining so I have to skip the last part and jump to the
conclusion.Mr. Chairman is signaling me, I have to stop here and leave out the remaining part to spare time