英国会计专业Essay论文代写作业:The primary aim of accounting is to provide。信息披露主要是指上市公司利用招股说明书、上市公告书、定期报告、中期报告等形式向投资者和公众披露公司相关信息的行为(Rimerman,1990)。




  Information disclosure mainly refers to the actions that public companies take by using prospectus,listing announcement,periodic reports,interim reports and other forms to disclose company-related information to investors and the public(Rimerman,1990).Investors and the public having an access to this information can take the information as the main basis for making more informed decisions(McCaslin and Stanga,1986).However,after the establishment of information disclosure system,the use of accounting information fraud has occurred frequently,many people questioned the effectiveness of information disclosure(International Accounting Standards Board,2010).This essay first explains the theoretical basis of the effectiveness of information disclosure,then combined with the case of Enron to discuss the reasons leading to the failure of information disclosure,and finally it is tentative to give conclusions on the effectiveness of information disclosure.


  According to the classification of available information,efficient market hypothesis divides the capital market into three categories:weak form efficiency,semi-strong form efficiency,and strongly form efficiency(Ţiţan,2015).Ţiţan(2015)argues that efficient markets are ideal because in such markets,as information is shared by each investor and no one can use information to generate excess returns,information-based speculation ceases to exist and it gives full play the role of resource allocation function of securities market.However,in reality,information obtained by investors is always different,theoretically effective market can not exist,the market in reality is closer to a weak form efficiency or a semi-strong form efficiency market.The existence of information disclosure system allows investors to obtain high-quality financial information related to enterprises as soon as possible in order to make more informed decisions,so that the efficiency of the securities market is improved,making a weak form efficiency or a semi-strong form efficiency market is possibly close to the state of an effective market.

