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The purpose of this report is to look into various issues which have propelled Fonterra into media limelight. In this article, three cases are identified, discussed and deeply analyzed with the aim of highlighting challenges face by corporations. The three cases analyzed include This include Fonterra’s $8.4m to offer care in China, Fonterra’s $24,000 fine for release of acid in waterway, and Fonterra NZ Milk Products bosses, resignation following news that 38 tonnes of whey protein concentrate the company produce showed possible contamination with botulism-causing Clostridium botulinum.IntroductionThe aim of this report is to discuss various incidences where Fonterra has featured in the media. It is not unlikely for companies to hit the media at one time or another. Such can happen due to either wrong or right reasons but ultimately, either offers important lessons not just to the company itself, but also to the general public and other corporations. The same is true for Fonterra which has hit the media but by storm in a number of instances. This piece however limits itself to three incidences it considers important to delve into. This include Fonterra’s $8.4m to offer care in China (Corporate Social Responsibility), Fonterra’s $24,000 fine for release of acid in waterway (environmental issue), and Fonterra NZ Milk Products bosses, resignation following news that 38 tonnes of whey protein concentrate the company produce showed possible contamination with botulism-causing Clostridium botulinum.Offer for healthcareOn Oct 11, 2008 the New Zealand Herald reported that Fonterra had offered $8.4m to offer care in China (Owen,n.d). In the piece, Owen (n.d) reported that Fonterra had set up a charitable project to assist women in China and mothers. This move was a response to cases of poisonous milk that made thousands of infants sick and around four dead. Amongst the companies involved in the poisonous milk scandal was San Lu, 43% owned by Fonterra. This move was made as a gesture to show concern and a way of offering long-term assistance to infant upbringing and maternal healthcare. Immediately responses to the offered revealed appreciation with various leading Medias in china reporting praises to the move. New Zealand’s chairman of Chinese trade associations noted that the donation was substantial and would go a long way in helping. However, some media reported the move as a cynical public relations attempt to hoodwink the vulnerable Chinese families who had fallen victim to the company’s irresponsible act. However, most media outlets reported this as a positive gesture. For instance, New Zealand Herald mentioned that the massive charity donation should stand on its own as rather than being consistently linked to the milk contamination tragedy. In general, while the move to donate to charity has been largely associated with the milk tragedy, this is an act of corporate social responsibility which borders on a corrective action following a market misdoing. In essence, corporate social responsibility is an emotive issue in the modern world and more and more organizations are being encouraged to engage in the same. It is a way through which corporations give to the communities socially and at the same time increase their competitive advantage. This is however just one of the reasons Fonterra has hit the headlines in the recent past.

