任学科论文题目如何千奇百变,但题目中关键词的意义和潜在的structure可是一成不变的哦。Littlefairy Essay搜索了加拿大众多学校的paper题目,分门别类地总结了最常见的45个关键词,以及背后的意义和用法。不能说覆盖100%关键词,但是90%还是有的。下次看到各种paper题目时再也不用犯怵咯。





      - How do other scholars define the subject?
      - Why is its meaning contested?
      - Why have you chosen to use one meaning instead of the other?







      关键词包括:describe,discuss,elaborate,explain,examine,account for,illustrate,review,develop,sketch,trace。



      - 给题目下定义,解释题目的原因、影响、效果等等。
      - 两面说Pros和Cons,并给予论据支撑。
      - 确立自己的观点立场,并给予论据支撑。
      - 将话题进行引申。

      在某一subject上进行详细彻底地分析。elaborate的问题通常是考察学生的literature review是否广泛全面。



      - Why the issues and facts that you have closely examined are important?
      - Have these issues and facts been examined differently by other scholars?
      - How did they differ in their approach?
      - What are the factors that account for these alternative approaches?





      Analyse 的标题通常是要将某一subject分解,用大量的文献做说明,并结合着文献表明自己立场。大致步骤分为五步。

      - Introductory statement: “State the structure andfunction of the whole.” 
      - Break it into parts. State the parts.
      - State the structure and function of each part anddescribe. 
      - Show relationships among the parts to the whole. 
      - Usually summarize by restating the structure andfunction of the major parts and relationship to hewhole, or evaluate the effectiveness of the whole. 











      关键词包括:evaluate,criticise,comment,interpret,assess,propose,review,examine,to what extend,explore。


      - Find the purpose for evaluation (determine the relevance to the class) i.e. "Evaluate a dress.” If it is a sewing class – one purpose: if it is a dry cleaning class – another purpose. 
      - Decide on the criteria or standards by which you will measure the effectiveness of desirability of the object. 
      - Compare and contrast pertinent aspects of the object or idea or structure or whatever you are evaluating, with the criteria or standards. 
      - Judge how well the criteria are met and state your opinion based on how closely the criteria are met. 
      - One criterion may be critical, if so, state this. 
      - Usually, rank the criteria in terms of importance.


      - Find out the purpose – critique it for what purpose? There may be several, i.e. “Would this book be successful as a children’s book or as an adolescent’s book, or…?” 
      - Analyzed to find the criteria relevant to the purpose. 
      - Evaluate. 
      - State the strengths and weaknesses for each aspect.


      - What do you agree or disagree with?
      - What have other scholars said about the subject?
      - Are there any views that contrast yours?
      - What evidence are you using to support your assessment?



